The big winner obviously seems to be the Daemon Prince, and after God knows how many editions of being the worst model in the army it's nice to finally see the other side of the coin. As I've played again over the last few weeks to nail down a list and get a grip on the game once more, he became an instant star in all of my lists and has pulled his weight and more in most of the games I've played.

To cap off this revitalised period of WHFB I have my first tournament in nearly two years coming up here in Limerick at Conclave. As I've said above I've been practicing a lot to nail down a list I am happy with, and though I'm confident in the current incarnation, the deadline isn't for another few weeks and so I've got some time to play around with it more.
More frantic however is painting. With a possible 10 points going for painting it is a nifty little advantage to have and so I've been painting a lot to get the army into tip top condition (mostly new models). Below is my finished Daemon Prince and a Gorebeast Chariot all converted and painted to a standard I am pleased with. These give a good taste of what's to come for now; more pictures to come soon, so stay tuned!